Intensive Course: Housing Enabler Training
Due to many requests from researchers and practitioners in several countries, an extra Housing Enabler training course will be arranged in Lund, Sweden. The course will be a special "intensive course" arrangement and will be held on Oct 16-20, 2006. The course will be run in English, while assessment forms are available in Swedish, German, Hungarian, Latvian and Russian as well.
Course leader:
Professor, reg. occupational therapist Susanne Iwarsson
Senior lecturer, PhD, reg. occupational therapist Agneta Fänge
PhD student, reg. occupational therapist Maria Haak
Research Engineer, BA Björn Slaug
Assistant lecturer, Lic Med Sc Arne Johannisson
Course objectives:
After the course, participants will have basic knowledge and skills to administer the Housing Enabler instrument in a reliable way, and to run basic analysis by means of the Housing Enabler software and present descriptive results. Upon completion of the course, participants will receive course certificates.
Day 1
- Lecture on Conceptual definitions and theoretical reflections
- Introduction to the Enabler Concept and the Housing Enabler instrument.
Day 2
- "Training Task I" and group sessions
- Instructions for administration of the instrument
Day 3
- "Training Task I" - Data collection during visits in different houses/flats
Day 4
- Data analysis training (computer lab).
Day 5
- Group sessions
- The Housing Enabler in occupational therapy practice and research
- Adaptation of the Housing Enabler to different national contexts
The primary target group of participants is occupational therapists - practitioners as well as teachers and researchers - with interest and experience in housing accessibility issues. We also welcome participants with the same kind of interests with professional backgrounds such as architects, planning engineers, physiotherapists, etc.
Course Venue:
Lund, Sweden. Detailed information will be given upon registration.
The course fee is SEK 4200 (approx. 550 USD), including the Housing Enabler instrument (book/manual) in Swedish or English and a set of scientific papers (in English). The Housing Enabler software is not included, but is for sale for interested participants.
Participants will be instructed to read the Housing Enabler book/manual and 2-3 scientific papers, as well as accomplish two assessments of the personal component of the Housing Enabler prior to the course, involving two clients of their own choice in their own practice context. The experiences from these assessments will be used during the course, and are thus an obligatory assignment.
Coffee/refreshments are included during four out of five course days. Lunches are not included, but available in local restaurants. Four days will be scheduled for teaching and training, while one day will be used for administration training during visits in different houses/flats.
Participants have to arrange accommodation and travel themselves. The closest international airport is Copenhagen, Denmark. For information, contact Ms. Karin Reinisch.
Send full personal details - title, profession, name, workplace address including e-mail, address for course fee invoice including VAT number (if applicable) - to Susanne Iwarsson, no later than Sept. 15, 2006. Confirmation will be sent out by Sept. 30, 2006.
This page was last updated 2006-08-11
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