Originalartiklar i internationella tidskifter
Carlsson, G., Iwarsson, S., & Ståhl, A. (2002). The personal component of accessibility: Exploring the complexity of functional capacity. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 9, 100-108.
Carlsson, G., Schilling, O., Slaug, B., Fänge, A., Ståhl, A., Nygren, C., & Iwarsson, S. (2009). Towards a screening tool for housing accessibility problems: A reduced version of the Housing Enabler. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 28, (1), 59-80.
Fänge, A. & Iwarsson, S. (2003). Accessibility and usability in housing – Construct validity and implications for research and practice. Disability and Rehabilitation, 25, (23), 1316-1325.
Fänge, A. & Iwarsson, S. (2005). Changes in accessibility and aspects of usability in housing over time – An exploration of the housing adaptation process. Occupational Therapy International, 12, (1), 44-59.
Fänge, A. & Iwarsson, S. (2005). Changes in ADL dependence and aspects of usability following housing adaptation – A longitudinal perspective. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 59, 296-304.
Fänge, A. & Iwarsson, S. (2007). Challenges in the development of strategies for housing adaptation evaluations. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 14, (3), 140-149.
Fänge, A., Risser, R. & Iwarsson, S. (2007). Challenges in implementation of research methodology in community-based occupational therapy: The Housing Enabler example. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 14, 54-62.
Helle, T., Brandt, Å., Slaug, B., & Iwarsson, S. (2010). Problematisation and examplification of how standards for housing design influence accessibility. In manuscript.
Helle, T., Nygren, C., Slaug, B., Brandt, Å., Pikkarainen, A., Hansen. A-G., Pétersdórttir, E., & Iwarsson, S. (2010). The Nordic Housing Enabler: Inter-rater reliability in cross-Nordic occupational therapy practice. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, posted online 17 Jan, 1-9.
Iwarsson, S. (1999). The Housing Enabler: An objective tool for assessing accessibility. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 62, (11), 491-97.
Iwarsson, S. (2005). A long-term perspective on person-environment fit and ADL dependence among older Swedish adults. Gerontologist, 45 (3), 327-36.
Iwarsson, S., Fänge, A., Hovbrandt, P., Carlsson, G., Jarbe, I., & Wijk, U. (2004). Occupational therapy targeting physical environmental barriers in buildings with public facilities. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67, (1), 29-38.
Iwarsson, S., Horstmann, V. & Slaug, B. (2007). Housing matters in very old age – Yet disparately due to ADL dependence level differences. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 14, 3-15.
Iwarsson, S., Horstmann, V., Oswald, F., Carlsson, G., & Wahl, H-W. (2009). Person-environment fit predicts falls in older adults better than the consideration of environmental hazards only. Clinical Rehabilitation, 23, 558-67.
Iwarsson, S., & Isacsson, Å. (1996). Development of a novel instrument for occupational therapy assessment of the physical environment in the home – A methodologic study on “The Enabler”. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research, 16, (4), 227-244.
Iwarsson, S., & Isacsson, Å. (1996). Housing standards, environmental barriers in the home, and subjective general apprehension of housing situation among the rural elderly. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 3, (2), 52-61.
Iwarsson, S. & Isacsson, Å. (1997). Quality of Life in the elderly population: An example exploring interrelationships among subjective well-being, ADL dependence, and housing accessibility. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 26, (1), 71-83.
Iwarsson, S., Isacsson, Å., & Lanke, J. (1998). ADL dependence in the elderly: The influence of functional limitations and physical environmental demand. Occupational Therapy International, 5, (3), 173-193.
Iwarsson, S., Jensen, G., & Ståhl, A. (2000). Travel Chain Enabler: Development of a pilot instrument for assessment of urban public bus transportation accessibility. Technology and Disability, 12, 3-12.
Iwarsson, S., Nygren, C., & Slaug, B. (2005). Cross-national and multi-professional nter-rater reliability of the Housing Enabler. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 12, (1), 29-39.
Iwarsson, S., & Ståhl, A. (1999). Traffic engineering and occupational therapy: A collaborative approach for future directions. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 6, (1), 21-28.
Iwarsson, S. & Ståhl, A. (2003). Accessibility, usability, and universal design – Positioning and definition of concepts describing person-environment relationships. Disability and Rehabilitation, 25, 57-66.
Iwarsson, S., Wahl, H-W., & Nygren, C. (2004). Challenges of cross-national housing research with older people: Lessons learned from the ENABLE-AGE Project. European Journal of Ageing Research, 1, 79-88.
Iwarsson, S., Wahl, H-W., Oswald, F., Tomsone, S., & Nygren, C. (2006). Environmental barriers and housing accessibility problems in three European countries. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 20, (3), 23-43.
Iwarsson, S., Wahl, H-W., Nygren, C., Oswald, F., Sixsmith, A., Sixsmith, J., Széman, Z., & Tomsone, S. (2007). Importance of the home environment for healthy aging: Conceptual and methodological background of the European ENABLE-AGE Project. Gerontologist, 47, 78-84.
Iwarsson, S., & Wilson, G. (2006). Environmental barriers in housing and functional limitations among older people in Sweden – A longitudinal perspective of housing accessibility. Technology & Disability, 18, (2), 57-66.
Jensen, G., Iwarsson, S., & Ståhl, A. (2002). Theoretical understanding and methodological challenges in accessibility assessments focusing the environmental component: An example from travel chains in urban public bus transport. Disability and Rehabilitation, 24, (5), 231-242.
Nygren, C., Oswald, F., Iwarsson, S., Fänge, A., Sixsmith, J., Schilling, O., Sixsmith, A., & Széman, Z., Tomsone, S., & Wahl, H-W. (2007). Relationships between objective and perceived housing in very old age: Results from the ENABLE-AGE Project. Gerontologist, 47, 85-95.
Oswald, F., Schilling, O., Wahl, H.-W., Fänge, A., Sixsmith, J., & Iwarsson, S. (2006). Homeward bound: Introducing a four domain model of perceived housing in very old age. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 26, (3), 187-201.
Oswald, F., Wahl, H-W., Schilling, O., Nygren, C., Fänge, A., Sixsmith, A., Sixsmith, J., Széman, Z., Tomsone, S., & Iwarsson, S. (2007). Relationships between housing and healthy ageing aspects in very old age: Results from the European ENABLE-AGE Project. Gerontologist, 47, 96-107.
Oswald, F., Wahl, H-W., Schilling, O., & Iwarsson, S. (2007). Housing-related control beliefs and independence in activities of daily living in very old age. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 14, 33-43.
Slaug, B., Malmgren Fänge, A., & Iwarsson, S. (2010). The Housing Enabler Screening Tool: Feasibility and inter-rater reliability in a real-estate company practice context. Submitted.
Slaug, B., Schilling, O., Iwarsson, S., & Carlsson, G. (2010). Defining profiles of functional limitations in groups of older persons: How and why? Submitted.
Ståhl, A., Carlsson, G., Hovbrandt, P., & Iwarsson, S. (2008). “Let’s Go for a Walk!” – Identification and prioritisation of accessibility and safety measures involving elderly people in a residential area. European Journal of Ageing, 5, 265-273.
Valdemarsson, M., Jernryd, E., & Iwarsson, S. (2005). Preferences and frequencies of visits to public facilities in old age – a pilot study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 40, 15-28.
Wahl, H-W., Oswald, F., Fänge, A., Gitlin, L., & Iwarsson, S. (2009). The home environment and disability-related outcomes in aging individuals: What is the empirical evidence? Gerontologist, 49, 355-367.
Wahl, H-W., Oswald, F., Schilling, O., & Iwarsson, S. (2009). The home environment and Quality of Life related outcomes in advanced old age: Findings of the ENABLE-AGE Project. European Journal of Ageing, 6, 101-111.
Werngren-Elgström, M., Carlsson, G., & Iwarsson, S. (2008). Changes in person-environment fit and ADL dependence among older Swedish adults – A 10-year follow-up. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 20, (5), 569-78.
Werngren-Elgström, M., Carlsson, G., & Iwarsson, S. (2009). A 10-year follow-up study on subjective well being and relationships to person-environment (PE) fit and activity of daily living (ADL)-dependence of older Swedish adults. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 49, e16-e22.

Böcker, bokkapitel och översiktsartiklar
Brandt, Åse, & Iwarsson, S. (1998). ”Bli´ istandtil” – eller rettere sagt ”Enabler”. Viadukt, (3), 14-15.
Carlsson, G., Slaug, B., Johannisson, A., Fänge, A., & Iwarsson, S. (2004). The Housing Enabler - Integration of a computerised tool in occupational therapy undergraduate teaching. CAL Laborate, June, 5-9.
Fänge, A. (2004). Strategies for evaluation of housing adaptations – Accessibility, usability and ADL dependence. ISBN91-974281-5-9. Doktorsavhandling. Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, Lunds Universitet. Lund, Sverige.
Fänge, A., & Iwarsson, S. (2009). Evidensbaserad bostadsplanering. Stockholm: Hjälpmedelsinstitutet.
Helle, T., & Iwarsson, S. (2006). Redskab til målning av tilgaengelighed i boliger. Ergoterapeuten (Danmark), oktober, 18-23.
Helle, T., & Iwarsson, S. (2007). Housing Enabler aer nu i dansk version. Ergoterapeuten (Danmark), oktober, 26-29.
Iwarsson, S. (1997). Functional capacity and physical environmental demand. Exploration of factors influencing everyday activity and health in the elderly population. ISBN 34 91-628-2351-5. Doktorsavhandling. Institutionen för Samhällsmedicinska vetenskaper Dalby/Lund, Lunds Universitet. Lund, Sverige.
Iwarsson, S. (1997). ENABLER - en metod för analys av tillgänglighetsproblem i boendet. Manual och bedömningsblanketter. Samhälle, Individ, hälsa, rapport nr 15. Lund, Sverige: Institutionen för samhällsmedicinska vetenskaper Dalby/Lund, Lunds universitet.
Iwarsson, S. (1998). Använd arbetsterapeuter för att utforma miljön i boendet. Arbetsterapeuten, (11), 36-37.
Iwarsson, S. (1999). ENABLER – En metod för att mäta tillgänglighetsproblem i boendet. Svensk rehabilitering, 2, (1), 38-39.
Iwarsson, S. (2001). Housing Enabler. Ett instrument för bedömning och analys av tillgänglighetsproblem i boendet. Ergoterapeuten (Norge), (1), 24-25.
Iwarsson, S. (2003). Tillgänglighetsproblem i lägenheten på Bo 01. Arbetsterapeuten, (9), 14.
Iwarsson, S. (2003). Tillgänglighetsarbete och arbetsterapi? Arbetsterapeuten, (9), 16- 17.
Iwarsson, S. (2004). Assessing the fit between older people and their physical home environments – An occupational therapy research perspective. In: Wahl, H-W., Scheidt, R., & Windley, P. (Eds.). Focus on aging in context: Socio-physical environments. Annual Review of the Gerontological Society of America, 23, 85-109. New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
Iwarsson, S. (2007). Har det någon betydelse hur man bor på äldre dar? Primärvårdens Nyheter, 15, (6), 24-27.
Iwarsson, S. (2008). Trivsel och tillgänglighet i äldres boende. In: Möller, K. & Knudstrup, M-A. Trivsel i plejeboligen. En antologi om trivselfaktorer i plejeboliger, 131-144. Odense, Danmark: Syddansk Universitetsforlag.
Iwarsson, S. (2008). Utformning av olika boendemiljöer för äldre. I: SOU 2008:113. Bo bra hela livet. Bilage-del B, s.113-144. Uppdrag för Äldreboendedelegationen. Stockholm: Fritzes.
Iwarsson, S. (2008). Utformning av olika boendemiljöer för äldre. Arbetsterapeuten, (8), I-IV.
Iwarsson, S. (2009). Housing adaptations – Current practices and challenges for the future. In: I. Söderback. (Ed.). International handbook of occupational therapy interventions. Sid. 63-69. New York: Springer.
Iwarsson, S., & Isacsson, Å. (1997). Fysisk miljö, äldres vardagsaktivitet och subjektivt välbefinnande. Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, 4, (4), 319-335.
Iwarsson, S. & Isacsson, Å. (1999). “The Enabler” applied to occupational therapy: Reliability of a usability rating scale. Steinfeld, E. & Danford, S. (Eds.) Enabling environments. Measuring the impact of environment on disability and rehabilitation, 93-109. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Iwarsson, S., Sixsmith, J., Oswald, F., Wahl, H-W., Nygren, C., Sixsmith, A., Széman, Z., & Tomsone, S. (2005). The ENABLE-AGE Project: Multi-dimensional methodology for European housing research. In: Vestbro, D. U., Hurol, Y., & Wilkinson, N. (Eds.). Methodologies in housing research, 70-90. Gateshead, Great Britain: Urban International Press.
Iwarsson, S. & Slaug, B. (2000). Housing Enabler. Ett instrument för bedömning och analys av tillgänglighetsproblem i boendet. Nävlinge och Staffanstorp: Veten & Skapen HB & Slaug Data Management.
Iwarsson, S. & Slaug, B. (2001). The Housing Enabler. An instrument for assessing and analysing accessibility problems in housing. (English translation of Iwarsson & Slaug, 2000). Nävlinge och Staffanstorp: Veten & Skapen HB & Slaug Data Management.
Iwarsson, S., Slaug, B., Oswald, F., & Wahl, H-W. (2008). Housing Enabler – Deutsche Fassung. Veten & Skapen HB and Slaug Enabling Development, Sweden, and University of Heidelberg, Germany.
Iwarsson, S. & Slaug, B. (2008). Housing Enabler - Arviointiväline asumisen esteettömyysongelmien arvioimiseen ja analysoimiseen. (Finsk översättning av Iwarsson & Slaug, 2000). Nävlinge och Staffanstorp, Sverige: Veten & Skapen HB & Slaug Data Management.
Iwarsson, S. & Slaug, B. (2008). Housing Enabler – et redskab til vurdering og analyse af tilgaengligehdsproblemer i boligen. (Dansk översättning av Iwarsson & Slaug, 2000). Nävlinge och Staffanstorp, Sverige: Veten & Skapen HB & Slaug Data Management.
Iwarsson, S. & Slaug, B. (2010). Screeningverktyget Housing Enabler - Kortfattad manual. Lund & Staffanstorp, Sverige: Veten & Skapen HB och Slaug Enabling Development.
Iwarsson, S. & Slaug, B. (Andra, reviderad upplagan). (2010). Housing Enabler — Metodik för bedömning och analys av tillgänglighetsproblem i boendet. Manual för fullständigt instrument och screeningverktyg. Lund & Staffanstorp, Sverige: Veten & Skapen HB och Slaug Enabling Development.
Iwarsson, S. & Slaug, B. (2010). The Housing Enabler Screening Tool - Short manual. Lund & Staffanstorp, Sverige: Veten & Skapen HB och Slaug Enabling Development. In press.
Iwarsson, S. & Slaug, B. (2nd, Revised Ed.). (2010). Housing Enabler — A method for rating/screening and analysing accessibility problems in housing. Manual for the complete instrument and screening tool. Lund & Staffanstorp, Sverige: Veten & Skapen HB och Slaug Enabling Development. In press.
Iwarsson, S. & Ståhl, A. (2002). Tillgänglighet till fysisk miljö – några kommentarer utifrån direktiven till SENIOR 2005. I: Statens Offentliga Utredningar. (SOU 2002:29). Riv ålderstrappan! Livslopp i förändring. Bilagedel D. Stockholm: Fritzes.
Iwarsson, S., Ståhl, A., & Carlsson, G. (2003). Accessible transportation – Novel occupational therapy perspectives. In: Letts, L., Rigby, P., & Stewart, D. (Eds.). Using environments to enable occupational performance, 235-251. New York: SLACK Incorporated.
Iwarsson, S., Ståhl, A., & Carlsson, G. (2003). Design för alle og den eldre befolkningens behov. Ergoterapeuten (Norge), 46 (8), 23-25.
Iwarsson, S., & Ståhl, A. (2005). Tillgängligt för alla - forskning för praktiska mål. Miljöforskning, (2), 32-33.
Wahl, H-W. & Iwarsson, S. (2007). Person-Environment relations in old age. In: F. Fernandez-Ballesteros (Ed.). Geropsychology. European perspectives for an aging world, 49-66. Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.

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